Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Wise Men worshipped a Toddler?

All of the Christmas cards you see have the shepherds and the Wise Men worshiping the baby Jesus. However we read that Herod, after finding out that the Wise men had "outwitted him" (Matthew 2:16) flew into a rage and gave orders to massacre all the male children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old and younger.

However Mary and Joseph were warned in a dream to escape to Egypt.

So at the time the wise men find Jesus, he was about two years old, a toddler!

What was it like to worship a toddler? One who could barely walk but would save the people from their sins?

I wish the Bible had more on the life of Jesus as a child. I would also like to know what eventually happened to Joseph.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sharing in the Atonement

"God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ..." Galatians 6:14

Having been saved by faith in Jesus Christ, the question that Chambers asks is do I want sin to remain in my (little pet sins), or at any cost to be identified with Jesus?

Do I treat salvation like "fire insurance", or is it a completely life changing experience?

Friday, October 31, 2014

The Trial of Faith

"If you have faith as a mustard seed... nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20)

As a Christian it's easy to initially respond to the Gospel in faith, but as the walk goes on, the new Christian can slip into a pattern of "doing it myself". It's also easy for a Christian to be faithful in the expectation to "earn" something, or perhaps make our relationship with Christ better.

There is nothing we can do to increase our standing in God's eyes! Faith must also be tried and tested, otherwise it's an empty and shallow faith. Better is the Christian who has the faith tested, they emerge stronger in the Lord in the end.

On a personal note - faith is very hard for me! It's so easy to come up with that "backup" plan when I say I'm going to trust in the Lord. "I have faith in you Lord, but I'll come up with this backup plan just in the off chance you don't come through."

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Phone test

Testing the ability to post a message from my phone.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Still Around

In case you were wondering, this blog is still active. I try to do daily posts from "My Utmost for His Highest", but occasionally get off course.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Destined to be Holy

"... it is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy'" - 1 Peter 1:16

Chambers tells us that the purpose of life is not to accumulate wealth, happiness, or a successful life. It's holiness. God created us to be saints, and for fellowship with Him.

Holiness means absolute purity of your walk before God.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Usefulness or Relationship?

"Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven." - Luke 10:20

One trap that Christians can fall into is successive service. Instead of rejoicing in our relationship with Jesus Christ, we measure ourselves based on what we do in the name of Jesus. The "what" becomes more important than the "who".

We also need to be careful of not screening people when they ask for help. Treat all people as God's creation, and not judging them on what they can do for you. Don't look down on somebody because they won't be able to somehow "elevate" you further in God's kingdom.

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Unsurprassed Intimacy of Tested Faith

"Jesus said to her, ' Did I not say t you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?'" - John 11:40

What I got from this reading.

1. We can't always live on the mountaintop. We have to have our faith tested, or we'll never know if we actually have faith or not. It's easy to proclaim Christ while down at Fall's Creek, but coming back to the "real world", can we still live for Christ? Too many people want to live in a continual "mountain top" experience.

2. Faith is absolute trust in God. For me it's WAY too easy to said "yes I trust God, but I'll have a plan B, just in case". There can be no "Plan B", and that's the hard part. For me I'm used to being self sufficient, and I don't like asking people (or God) for help. I'd rather do it on my own power and resources. Faith requires me to depend on God, and not my own resources. I think this is something men struggle with, as our culture has taught that "real" men are self-sufficient, and asking for help is a sign of weakness.

Fell off the wagon.

The busy week turned into two weeks. Then it turned into three weeks. This morning I realized that once again I've fallen out of my habit of daily reading and (semi) daily postings from the devotional "Utmost for His Highest". My days were consumed with work, and it just made me more bitter about life.

What's maddening is how fast and easy it is to stop doing the spiritual things, and then your time is quickly filled with things that don't matter.

Fortunately the Christian walk is a journey, so even if there are times when I feel I've wandered off, Jesus is still there beside me, and we can resume the journey.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Crazy Week

Very busy week at work, life returns to normal tomorrow. Never looked forward to a Monday like I do this week!

Monday, August 04, 2014

The Brave Friendship of God

"He took the twelve aside..." Luke 18:31

The "bravery" of God trusting His creation. When we think we have no value and nothing to contribute is when God can use us the most. It's when we think we are useful to God is when He can't use us because we feel we have our own purposes to accomplish.

We bring NOTHING to the table of salvation, it's by God's grace ALONE. That's probably why people struggle with the message of salvation. Surely there must be more to it?? Perhaps if I also accomplish these extra items then God will accept me?

Nope. Salvation through Christ ALONE.

As my pastor is fond of quoting Paul, "He must increase, I must decrease!"

Friday, August 01, 2014

Becoming Entirely His

"Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing" James 1:4

Chambers talks about areas in a Christian's life where we get careless and lazy. He says it's not sin, but remnants of our carnal life that tend to make us careless.

God will allow nothing to escape His notice, and will endlessly bring us back to Him when we stray.

Chambers also warns to beware of becoming careless over the small details of life and saying, "Oh that will have to do for now".

One thing that drives me nuts is the attitude of "it's good enough for church!". Why can't we give our best to God, in all areas of our lives? Instead of doing something half hearted, do the best we can.

Alpha 2 released for flavors of Ubuntu

Yesterday (31 July) the Alpha 2 was released for most of the versions of Ubuntu. You wouldn't want to use this for any serious work, but they are good to load in a virtual machine or spare PC and help with bug fixes.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Do you see Jesus in your Clouds?

"Behold, He is coming with clouds..." Revelation 1:7

A strange devotion for today. Chambers talks about how, "Clouds are the sorrows, sufferings, or providential circumstances, within or without our personal lives, which actually seem to contradict the sovereignty of God."

I've always thought of clouds as something to be welcomed! Whether to cool off a hot summer day, or to announce an incoming thunderstorms, I've never looked at clouds as something to be sorrowful about.

However I have to admit I've never really experienced deep sorrow in my life. For me life has been pretty good, so I can't understand what it's like for someone to experience the deep sorrow as represented in the clouds.

Monday, July 28, 2014

OKC Finally hits 100 degrees

Took us a while to do it, but Oklahoma City finally hit 100 degrees on Saturday.

Another big cool down is coming this week, with highs only in the 70's! We had high's in the 60's two weeks ago, it's hard to believe that it's July!

God's Purpose or Mine?

" He made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side..." Mark 6:45

Christians tend to think that God is preparing us for some end goal, or future point. In today's reading Chambers makes the case that the actual journey is what God is after, not the end result.

God is walking with us NOW, and moment by moment obedience is the goal.

What we see as only the process of reaching a particular end, God sees as the goal itself.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hot day in Topeka!

In Topeka for what is probably the last of the PMEL trips. It's 630 in the morning and already it's 79 degrees. Going to be a hot one today!


This is the will of God, your sanctification. . . —1 Thessalonians 4:3

Sanctification is something that I believe is not talked about much in churches these days. The "modern gospel" wants to focus on ensuring you have a good life, free of pain and hardships. (Why else are prayer requests always about physical healing?)

With that I decided to look up the word sanctification to see what it means.

According to the Holman Bible Dictionary sanctification is ,"The process of being made holy resulting in a changed life-style for the believer."

 A changed lifestyle, dying to self.

As my pastor is found of saying, "I MUST decrease, so He can INCREASE".

Can I put my interests and self aside so God can use me for His purposes?

The daily struggle of who is lord of my life, Jesus or myself.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Record COLD day in July!

Yesterday we only hit 68 degrees for a HIGH in Oklahoma City! The old record was for 80 degrees. It's a very nice cold front that has come through the state.

As of now, it's a comfortable 66 degrees, and we've got the windows and screen doors open. The A/C has been turned off because it actually got too COLD in the house!

Turn the A/C off. Because it's too cold. In July. In Oklahoma.

Love it!

The Mystery of Believing

He said 'Who are You, Lord?' Acts 9:5

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Acts.

I recently was telling my daughter the story of Saul, and how he became Paul after becoming blind and encountering God.

I like Paul's self doubt on God using him to spread the Gospel across the world.

God didn't force Paul to serve. He allowed Paul to choose, and becasue he choose of his own free will, he became one of the greatest teachers of the gospel.

Likewise we have a choice to follow and obey. God doesn't want me to obey and follow Him because I HAVE to, he'd rather it be because I WANT to.

Being forced to is religion.

Wanting to is a relationship.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Concept of Divine Control

" how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" (Matthew 7:11)

Divine control - do we let God rule our thoughts, or do we take the drivers seat?

Are we so focused on Him that when difficulties and uncertainties arise, we immediately turn to God? Or do we seek out others hoping for an inspiring word?

The "Name it, claim it" crowd loves this verse, but they take it out of context. God will be more than happy to give you what you want - as long as it is in HIS will! That part is usually forgotten about.

When I'm seeking God's will and not mine, my interests will line up with His.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Life's Spiritual Honor & Duty

I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians (Romans 1:14)

Am I truly grateful for my salvation? So grateful that I spend as much time as possible telling others about Jesus?

Evidently not, as today's reading brought to mind that the last time I gave mission work any serious thought was during VBS last month.

It's easier to be grateful that MY eternity is assured, but then to turn around and grumble at the guy who cuts me off on the highway.

"Quit praying for yourself and spend your life for the sake of others".

Powerful stuff

Monday, July 14, 2014

Suffering Afflictions...

"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." Matthew 5:39

A strange verse. Some people would interpret this as living a completely passive lifestyle, never defending oneself. From their viewpoint, this even forbids service in the military!

Chambers talks about when you are insulted, you must not only resent it, but must make it an opportunity to exhibit the Son of God in your life.

I think that means let the words and attacks go. They are just words. Internet comment blogs are full of people attacking each other from the safety of their own computers. Is this really accomplishing anything?

However when it comes to actually attacking oneself and family, then I believe we have a duty to respond and defend ourselves and family.

Words are just words, let them go. But actually attacks need to be dealt with.

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Will You Examine Yourself?

Today's reading makes a lot more sense than the reading for July 8th!

Chambers starts off by asking if you "even have the slightest reliance on anything or anyone other than God?"

Unfortunately, this is pretty easy to answer, and that would be yes.

It's way too easy to claim to "depend on God", but have the Plan B in case God doesn't come through.

The less you rely on yourself and on God, the more He can use you.

As my pastor likes to quote Paul, "I MUST decrease, so He can increase!"

Being a military man it's all too easy to rely on myself. In fact most military folks take great pride in being able to depend on themselves.

Monday, July 07, 2014

All Efforts of Worth and Excellence are Difficult

Living the Christian life is not guaranteed to be easy and pain free.

Unless you subscribe to the Joel Osteen worldview, where God is just one big happy person who just wants you to live the good life.

God sends things our way to test us. Are we applying what we are learning from Him in our daily lives? The tests show if we are growing or not.

In the middle of the crisis, do we turn to God or our own devices?

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ubuntu 14.04

I've been playing around with Ubuntu's Unity for a few weeks now, and I'm having a good time with it. All of my KDE programs still work, so I can choose whether to use the default Unity programs, or my preferred KDE programs.

One thing that I have found that does not work is Newsrover in WINE. The program will open, but I can never access it. If I decide to continue to use Unity, I may have to move it over to the notebook, which is still running KDE.

The default file manager is good, but I still prefer KDE's Dolphin because you can split the screen. Basically it's having two file managers open at once. Makes it very easy to compare files.

An earlier post complained that the weather app (as seen in the screen shot) wouldn't update itself. I'm pleased to discover that after rebooting the computer for a kernel upgrade, it now auto refreshes like I want it to.

Held By the Grip of God.

Philippians 3:12

Never "choose" to be a worker for Christ, but realized that Christ has chosen you to be his worker. Because he choose us, We can't be allowed to think that we're not qualified in some position, nor can we perform the tasks that Christ has asked us to.

In the past I've joked that I'm not qualified to be a preacher, or a missionary, etc. However if God did call me to one of these tasks, or something else, He would give me the ability to perform the work for His glory.

And before we puff ourselves up thinking we're the greatest preacher that ever lived, or whatever, we need to remember that we are simply sinners saved by grace.

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Overshadowing of God's Personal Deliverance

" I am with you to deliver you" says the Lord. (Jeremiah 1:8)

What I pulled from this reading.

1. God will deliver our lives, not our personal property and possessions.

2. Never look for justice in this world, but never cease to give it.

3. If we look for justice, then we'll start to complain about the lack of justice, and could possibly lead to self-pity.

4. We deliver justice as God commands us, but ultimately it's His call if people get away with stuff.

Tonight I had the excitement of a cat walking on the keyboard wanting to play.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

My Utmost for His Highest

This weekend I purchased the devotional guide, "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. I bought the "Updated" edition, because the "Classic" version was $10, and I only had the $5 that the updated version cost. So the updated version it is!

My plan is to read each day's devotion, and post my thoughts on here. Feel free to jump in and read along.

VBS Day One Complete!

Vacation Bible School for 2014 has officially kicked off at Brookwood Baptist Church. We're going with the Lifeway theme of "Agency D3". The "D3" stands for "Discover, Decide & Defend". Basically it's an apologetic theme, getting the kids to think about their faith, and how to answer questions about it.

This year my wife and I get to teach missions, and I'm pretty excited about it. We got a lot of information from the North American Mission Board. What's fascinating (and a little discouraging) is how many cities in the USA have majorities of people who claim no religious affiliation. 

Minneapolis/St Paul (One of my adopted hometowns) is one such city. There is one Southern Baptist Convention church for every 118,248 metro Minneapolis/St. Paul residents.

By comparison, in Oklahoma City there is one Southern Baptist Convention church for every 4910 residents.

Looking at the Minneapolis page, I've discovered that Waconia is considered a "potential" church plant city.

I attended College at St Paul Bible College (Now called Crown College), and it would be a lot of fun to be back in the area!

But for now Oklahoma is home, and I'm content with that.

The kids were a lot of fun, and seemed to be interested in what we were teaching them. The biggest thing we tried to get across tonight was you didn't have to go overseas to be a missionary. You could be one right here in the United States.

More information about Minneapolis/ St Paul -

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ubuntu vs Kubuntu

Normally I run Kubuntu (Ubuntu with the KDE on it), but recently I decided to give Unity a try, which is the default program for Ubuntu.

Because it's all Ubuntu underneath, I was able to install the Unity packages from within Kubuntu. After logging off and logging back on, I can now select which one I want to run, KDE or Unity.

One nice thing is that even running Unity, all of my favorite KDE programs are still installed and available! I also have access to all of my files.

I really like KDE, but I've discovered that I'm not much of a tinkerer with the software. I'll do an initial setup, then I'm pretty much happy to run with the defaults.

On Unity I like the launcher bar on the left hand side. I've got my 6-7 favorite applications locked to it.

The weather application "my-weather-indicater" has a lot of features I like, but the auto refresh doesn't work. I have to manually refresh it. No big deal, as it's easy to refresh from the top menu bar.

I'll run with this for a few weeks. I'm hoping to buy a new hard drive in a few weeks, and that will require a fresh install of Linux.

Monday, June 16, 2014


This time last month we were looking at a serious drought for the summer in Oklahoma. Happily June brought much needed rain, so the drought situation has improved. Hopefully that will push the 100 degree temperatures further down the road.

Friday, May 30, 2014

The End is Near for my Air Force Career

After 21.5 years, it's time to hang up my uniform and call it a day. I'll retire from the Air Force in December. Looking forward to being a civilian again, and getting my weekends back!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thursday, January 02, 2014

VBS 2014 Music Lyrics - Agency D3

Lifeway is going for an apologetics theme for Vacation Bible School this summer. The songs have already been released, and my daughter is working on learning the lyrics so she can perform the songs in a few weeks at a conference in Dallas.
Because we couldn't find the lyrics online, my wife sat at the computer and typed the lyrics out as the songs played.

I'm posting the lyrics online hoping others will find them useful.

Agency D3
Look around. See the clues. The evidence is clear.
God is real. His love is true. The proof is all right here.

We’re on the case to investigate (Yeah!) this awesome mystery!
Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!
Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!

We’re following all the leads. We’re special agent kids.
We’ll trace it back to just the facts who Jesus really is.

We’re on the case to investigate (Yeah!) this awesome mystery!
Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!
Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!
Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!
Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!

We’ll always be ready to tell anybody what we know about Jesus!
Mission possible. It’s not impossible to share the gospel of Jesus!
We’ll always be ready to tell anybody what we know about Jesus!
Mission possible. It’s not impossible to share the gospel of Jesus!

Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!
Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!
Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!
Agency D3 Discover, Decide, Defend!
Discover, Decide, Defend! Discover, Decide, Defend!
God’s Son

Long before Messiah walked the planet
Long before the telling of His birth
Prophets said that God would bring salvation
Spread His hope and love across the earth

The Word says it, so we believe it.
He is the Lord and Savior, He is the only one
Who takes away the sins of the world, yes, Jesus, He is God’s Son

There are many things we can discover
When we have the eyes and faith to see
There is no one else, no one but Jesus
Who could change the course of history

The Word says it, so we believe it.
He is the Lord and Savior, He is the only one
Who takes away the sins of the world, yes, Jesus, He is God’s Son

The Word says it, so we believe it.
He is the Lord and Savior, He is the only one
Who takes away the sins of the world, yes, Jesus, He is God’s Son

He is the Lord and Savior, He is the only one
Who takes away the sins of the world, yes, Jesus, He is God’s Son
He is God’s Son, He is God’s Son

More than Just a Good Man

He made the lame to walk, He made the blind to see
Did more than talk the talk, He did, He did
He feed a hungry crowd, He walked upon the see
He lived His message out, He did, He did

Hey, Hey, this Jesus
Hey, Hey, yeah He was
More, more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
More, more, more than just a good man
More, more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
More, more, more than just a good man

He told us who He was, He taught us how to live
He demonstrated love, He did, He did
With every miracle He lead us to believe
In the impossible, He did, He did

Hey, Hey, this Jesus
Hey, Hey, yeah He was
More, more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
More, more, more than just a good man
More, more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
More, more, more than just a good man

Hey, Hey, this Jesus
Hey, Hey, yeah He was
Hey, Hey, this Jesus
Hey, Hey, yeah He was
More, more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
More, more, more than just a good man
More, more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
More, more, more than just a good man
More, more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
More, more, more than just a good man
More, more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
More, more, more than just a good man

We Stand Forgiven
Did it really happen, tell me, can it be?
Did it really happen, did Jesus die for you and me?
So let us go, and let us see, the evidence at Calvary

This man, is the Son of God
His hands, nailed to the cross
His plan is for everyone to stand forgiven
He died, so that we can live
His life, is the love He gives
In Christ, who was crucified, we stand forgiven

Did it really happen, tell me, can it be?
Did it really happen, did He predict His destiny?
So let us go, and let us see, the evidence at Calvary

This man, is the Son of God
His hands, nailed to the cross
His plan is for everyone to stand forgiven
He died, so that we can live
His life, is the love He gives
In Christ, who was crucified, we stand forgiven

It is finished, once and for all
It is finished, on the cross
It is finished, once and for all
It is finished, on the cross

This man, is the Son of God
His hands, nailed to the cross
His plan is for everyone to stand forgiven
He died, so that we can live
His life, is the love He gives
In Christ, who was crucified, we stand forgiven
He died, so that we can live
His life, is the love He gives
In Christ, who was crucified, we stand forgiven

He is Alive

Why are you looking for the living among the dead?
He is not here, He has been resurrected
There’s only one way to see Him alive again
Here it is, Here it is

A – Admit to God that you’re a sinner and repent
B – Believe that Jesus is the Son of God
C – Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior

He is alive, He is alive
Come and see that He is risen, He is alive
He is alive, He is alive
All your sin have been forgiven, He is alive

Why are you looking for the living among the dead?
He is not here, He has been resurrected
There’s only one way to see Him alive again
Here it is, Here it is

A – Admit to God that you’re a sinner and repent
B – Believe that Jesus is the Son of God
C – Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior

He is alive, He is alive
Come and see that He is risen, He is alive
He is alive, He is alive
All your sin have been forgiven, He is alive

He is alive, He is alive
Come and see that He is risen, He is alive
He is alive, He is alive
All your sin have been forgiven, He is alive

A – Admit to God that you’re a sinner and repent
B – Believe that Jesus is the Son of God
C – Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior

He is alive, He is alive
Come and see that He is risen, He is alive
He is alive, He is alive
All your sin have been forgiven, He is alive

He is alive, He is alive
Come and see that He is risen, He is alive
He is alive, He is alive
All your sin have been forgiven, He is alive
All your sin have been forgiven, He is alive
All your sin have been forgiven, He is alive

He is King

We know what’s real
We’ve seen it with our own eyes
God proved His love
By laying down His own life
So let us go and defend our faith
In what we do and what we say

We will sing, we will shout, tell the news of His salvation
We rise, we will shine for the world to see
He is truth, He is life, He is Lord of all creation
We believe His God, He is King

Our time has come
We are the generation
To share Jesus
With every tribe and nation
So let us go and defend our faith
In what we do and what we He is King

We will sing, we will shout, tell the news of His salvation
We rise, we will shine for the world to see
He is truth, He is life, He is Lord of all creation
We believe His God, He is King

Let His light shine, let His light shine
Let His light shine in you and me
Let His light shine, let His light shine
Let His light shine in you and me

We will sing, we will shout, tell the news of His salvation
We rise, we will shine for the world to see
He is truth, He is life, He is Lord of all creation
We believe His God, He is King
He is truth, He is life, He is Lord of all creation
We believe His God, He is King
We believe His God, He is King

Yes to VBS

Everybody say yes (yes)
To VBS (S)

Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS
Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS
Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS
Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS

Yes to the blessing of studying God’s Word
Yes to the best thing, Jesus is Lord

Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS
Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS

Y-E-S to V-B-S
Y-E-S to V-B-S!

(Everybody say) yes, yes to VBS
(Everybody say) yes, yes to VBS
(Everybody say) yes, yes to VBS
(Everybody say) yes, yes to VBS
(How you gonna say yes to VBS?) By rocking in worship rally
(How you gonna say yes to VBS?) By learning my ABC’s
(How you gonna say yes to VBS?) By reading the Word of God
(How you gonna say yes to VBS?) By living my life like Jesus

Yes to the blessing of studying God’s Word
Yes to the best thing, Jesus is Lord

Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS
Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS
Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS
Gonna say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes to V, V, V, VBS