Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ubuntu 14.04

I've been playing around with Ubuntu's Unity for a few weeks now, and I'm having a good time with it. All of my KDE programs still work, so I can choose whether to use the default Unity programs, or my preferred KDE programs.

One thing that I have found that does not work is Newsrover in WINE. The program will open, but I can never access it. If I decide to continue to use Unity, I may have to move it over to the notebook, which is still running KDE.

The default file manager is good, but I still prefer KDE's Dolphin because you can split the screen. Basically it's having two file managers open at once. Makes it very easy to compare files.

An earlier post complained that the weather app (as seen in the screen shot) wouldn't update itself. I'm pleased to discover that after rebooting the computer for a kernel upgrade, it now auto refreshes like I want it to.

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