Sunday, June 22, 2014

VBS Day One Complete!

Vacation Bible School for 2014 has officially kicked off at Brookwood Baptist Church. We're going with the Lifeway theme of "Agency D3". The "D3" stands for "Discover, Decide & Defend". Basically it's an apologetic theme, getting the kids to think about their faith, and how to answer questions about it.

This year my wife and I get to teach missions, and I'm pretty excited about it. We got a lot of information from the North American Mission Board. What's fascinating (and a little discouraging) is how many cities in the USA have majorities of people who claim no religious affiliation. 

Minneapolis/St Paul (One of my adopted hometowns) is one such city. There is one Southern Baptist Convention church for every 118,248 metro Minneapolis/St. Paul residents.

By comparison, in Oklahoma City there is one Southern Baptist Convention church for every 4910 residents.

Looking at the Minneapolis page, I've discovered that Waconia is considered a "potential" church plant city.

I attended College at St Paul Bible College (Now called Crown College), and it would be a lot of fun to be back in the area!

But for now Oklahoma is home, and I'm content with that.

The kids were a lot of fun, and seemed to be interested in what we were teaching them. The biggest thing we tried to get across tonight was you didn't have to go overseas to be a missionary. You could be one right here in the United States.

More information about Minneapolis/ St Paul -

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