Saturday, November 30, 2013

Kubuntu vs OpenSUSE

I've got Kubuntu 13.10 running on my main desktop, Notebook, and netbook. I'm a big fan of KDE, so I stick to the distros that feature KDE.

Now in the past I've read that OpenSUSE is supposed to be the best KDE distro out there. For a while I had 12.1 installed on my desktop, but ran into problems that I just didn't have time to solve.

Now OpenSUSE 13.1 is out, and from what I read in the reviews, it's supposed to be even better than 12.x! I'm seriously thinking about switching my netbook over to 13.1 and learn the distro from that computer.

The only thing that is slowing me down is that the netbook has no DVD drive, so I'll have to install via USB flashdrive. OpenSUSE has a great step by step instruction to set it up, so soon I'll do it.

Instead of trying to install the full 4.7 GB DVD, I've downloaded the live KDE CD, which should make installation easier. Plus since it's the netbook, I won't need all the bells and whistles of the full blown installation. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday Blues

Once again Thanksgiving is over, and the American tradition of Black Friday shopping is in full swing. In years past the stores would remain closed on Thanksgiving day, and would open early Friday morning.

Over the last ten years or so, I've noticed a gradual encroachment upon the Thanksgiving holiday. Midnight openings gave way this year to 8pm openings. Wal-Mart, not to be outdone by other stores, opened at 6pm.

I believe that everybody should remain closed on Thanksgiving, and open the doors on Friday morning. However I've heard from the Black Friday crowd that if I believe that, then Facebook, NFL, and parades need to be shut down on Thanksgiving. Otherwise I'm being hypocritical.

I believe that one of the purposes of the Thanksgiving holiday is to share in a national event of giving thanks. Even though the number of people claiming Christ as their Savior continues to fall, everybody could come together with friends and family and celebrate.

There was something special when you drove to Grandma's house on Thanksgiving day to see little traffic out, and everything but 7-11 closed.

So another tradition of my childhood appears to be going by the wayside. I'm sure next year we'll see stores beat Wal-Mart's opening by a few hours, and perhaps in ten years nothing will be closed on Thursday. Maybe the holiday will be changed to "Black Thanksgiving".

As for me and my family, we've stayed home. I don't need to save 50% on junk that I really don't need. I'm already tired of the commercialism of the Christimas season.

We're celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday on Friday to ensure all of our immediate family can be here. While the mongrel hordes are out attacking the malls, I'm staying home.