Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Maranatha Music "This is the Day"

One of my favorite praise CD's is "This is the Day" by Maranatha Music. The first seven tracks have bible verses read during the music. Below you'll find the verses it lists in the CD notes.

This is the Day Verses

#1 – This is the Day / We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise
Romans 1

#2 – Praise the Lord Together
Psalms 8, 29, 147; Isaiah 40

#3 – Great is Thy Faithfulness
Matthew 6

#4 – Prelude/Majesty
Psalms 42, 89, 93

#5 – What A Friend We Have in Jesus
Psalm 51

#6 – Let Us Exalt Him Together
Isaiah 40

#7 – Fairest Lord Jesus
Isaiah 12, 58; Psalm 37; John 4

52 Words Every Christian Should Know (Final!)

51. Final Judgment - God through Christ will bring about the final verdict on all human beings, resulting in one of two eternal destinies: eternal joy in the presence of God (heaven) or eternal misery cast away from all hope of God and good (hell).

52. Heaven - The supernatural location of God's presence displayed far beyond the earth, where the holy angels worship Him. After the last judgment and the renewal of all things, God will manifest His presence among the redeemed in "the New Jerusalem."

Monday, August 08, 2016

52 Words Every Christian Should Know cont

48. Tribulation and Wrath - "Tribulation" refers to affliction (hardship or suffering) brought against God's people, either by life's circumstances or by evil forces, with "great tribulation" referring to end times troubles. "Wrath" refers to God's righteous anger against sin and evil.

49. Second Coming - The second coming refers to the personal, visible, bodily, victorious return of Jesus Christ to earth as King of kings and Lord of lords.

50. Millennium - The millennium (Latin for 1,000 years) refers to the reign of God's people - especially martyrs- either spiritually before Christ's second coming or else literally after His return but before the last judgment and the new creation.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

52 Words Every Christian Should Know cont.

46. Glorification - Involves two balanced but distinct aspects. First is God's work transforming believers at death so that all sin is removed and they are fit to be in His Presence; second is His gift of the resurrection body, received by saints only at Christ's return.

47. Rapture - The rapture refers to the teaching that believers living at Christ's return will not miss the resurrection, but
will be caught up alive to meet the Lord in the air, transformed into a resurrection state without going through the experience of bodily death.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

52 Words Every Christian Should Know cont

44. Gifts of the Spirit- At the time of the new birth, the Holy Spirit gives one or more special abilities to the believer, enabling him or her to build up other believers in the context of the local congregation. All believers are responsible for discovering, developing, and using their spiritual gifts.

45. Fruit of the Spirit - Refers to the character traits growing in believers as they mature. The Spirit produces these. Further, these traits are all attributes of Jesus Christ that the Gospels report concerning Him; therefore the fruit of the Spirit is another term for Christlike character.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. - Galatians 5:22-23

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The heat continues!

I hate this time of year. This week has the highest average high for the year at 95 degrees. Next week it drops to an average of 94, and continues to go down as we head into September. On August 31 the average high is 91 degrees.

52 Words Every Christian Should Know cont.

42. Evangelism & Missions - The "Great Commission" of Christ's church in the world is for local churches and individuals to proclaim the good news that Jesus is Lord and Savior, making disciples and establishing congregations, and expressing love to neighbors through works of compassion.

43. Sanctification - The process or result of being made holy. Places, things, and persons set apart for God and His use are "sanctified." God's holiness includes moral perfection; thus, holy persons are becoming more Godlike or Christlike in virtue and affections.